We started with the 3D IMAX film "Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3-D". This film was moved me. It combined original footage with reenactments and great technical details. Plus it really had a human element.
The other IMAX theator had some technical dificuties so we did not get to see the "Space Station 3-D"
After the film we hit the Space Shuttle Experience. Its a 4 minute full motion ride that really simulated the acceleration and feel of the shuttle well. It tilts you back to almost vertical and shakes you in such away that if felt like you were accelerating the whole time. I was surprised on how realistic it felt. Now I know that a shuttle experiences about 3Gs on take off, and this was not that much force, but it was still neat.
After we finished the Space Shuttle Experience, we toured the Space Shuttle Replica. The Replica looked pretty realistic from the outside, all the way down to the ceramic tiles. Right next to it was the full sized Solid Rocket Boosters and External Tank.

We moved on to the astronaut memorial. They have a huge wall and a set of plaques memorializing the brave men and women that have lost their lives in the space program.

It was just hard to grasp the scale of the Rocket Garden. They had several Redstone, Atlas, Titan and a Saturn 1b rocket there. These things are just incredible in size. Pictures just don't do it justice.

The last thing we hit today was the Early Space Exploration Museum. They had exhibits on all of the pre-shuttle missions. I really dig the old space suits.

great hat. that and the beard make you look like Panama D'Artagnan :P