The day started a little slow. After a late night (well late for me) in the French Quarter, we didn't make it out on to the road until about 11. Brent played tour guide again and rode out with us on his Suzuki Katana 600.

He took us back out across the Lake Ponchartrain Causeway to a little town called Covington. Covington boasts an interesting piece of "Classic Americana", the worlds largest Ronald Regan statue. We had to stop and get a picture for our friend Russ who's a Regan fanatic.

After seeing the statue we parked the bikes and got iced coffee and had lunch at a local grill.

I had a Fried Oyster Po-boy sandwich. It was good.
On this trip I'm stepping out of my comfort zone a bit trying to do my best "
Feasting on Asphalt" impression. I'm trying not to eat at any national food chains, just local restaurants. Preferably with some local flavor.
Once we finally really hit the road Nate and I hit US90 East and Brent parted ways with us. We made a short stop at a rest area with a replica of the Lunar Lander.

For some reason I never realized how big the Lander was, It makes sense now that I think about it, but TV/pictures never really do justice to the scale of things.
Next we shot east along the Gulf coast and stopped at a beautiful beach in Long Beach, MI.

This was not at all what I expected. I had always pictured the gulf coast of Mississippi as "Bayou" swamp, not pristine white sand with hotels and casinos. Who knew? I'd live there if it didn't get wiped of the of the map every few years by some act of God.

Nate and I checked out the water. It was warm, but I was surprised at how dark the water was here. It's almost black.
After our quick stop to check out the beach and water, we powered on through to Mobile, AL. We stopped for dinner at a place called Binini Bob's. Not exactly local fare, but they had awesome deck that gave us an incredible view of the sun setting over the bay.

We decided to grab a room right next door and hit the pool and hot tub to soothe the sore muscles and beds to get a good night sleep. Maybe its not the most adventurous, but come on we're only human :)
Damn straight I'm a Reagan fanatic! and if you send me a full quality jpg I will be sure to print it out and post it in the Reagan Bedroom.